AMEGA Biotech and the community
The following principles guide our projects, for a sustainable future:
To develop corporate activities in accordance with the sustainable improvement of the social, environmental and economical scenarios.
To develop and support initiatives that aim to improve patient’s quality of life.
To permanently test economical, social and environmental needs of the society that surround us, supporting and designing initiatives in line with the expectations of our interest groups.
To commit to environmental care through an eficient management of the environmental impact.
To raise awareness for individual and group safety inside and outside the work space.
Strengthen the values of solidarity, collaboration and group commitment to achieve objectives beyond economic ones.
To positively influence the quality of life of our employees and their immediate community.
AMEGA Biotech is a forward-thinking company. We are committed to the well-being of individuals, families, professionals and community, for a responsible and sustainable future. The following principles guide our projects, for a sustainable future.
Putting our commitment into action.
Zelltek, a member of AMEGA Biotech and located at the PTLC, was selected for the research and development of products related to the coronavirus, in the "Programa de Articulación y Fortalecimiento Federal de las Capacidades en Ciencia y Tecnología COVID-19" (Program of Articulation and Federal Strengthening of Capacities in Science and Technology COVID-19) organized by the Agencia de Promoción de la Investigación, el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación de la Nación (National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation).
Our team developed a sensitive and low-cost method for the detection of antibodies against SARS-Cov-2 suitable for use in clinical laboratories. The project succeeded in producing anti-SARS-Cov-2 antibody detection assays locally, avoiding import dependence.
Commitment to a responsible future
Our production plants were designed and built following international standards in biopharmaceutical production, avoiding contamination and ensuring environmental protection.